Archive for July, 2013

Nebraskans For Equality Stands With Harvey.

OMAHA, NE – Nebraskans For Equality Stands with Harvey Fierstein and thanks him for being outspoken against the atrocities being done against Russia’s LGBTQIA community.  Watch his Lawrence O’Donnell interview here. Harvey strongly speaks out against the hateful laws and the resulting state sanctioned violence against Russia’s LGBTQIA community.

Harvey Fierstein
It’s time to start paying attention to what’s going on in Russia in case you haven’t yet. Putin has declared war on the gay community. He’s made it illegal to promote homosexuality in theater, film, tv, print that in any way could be seen by youth. In other words anything gay is now pornography. He’s outlawed the adopting of Russian children to any country that has legalized marriage equality. And now it is reported that his next law will remove the children of GLBT families from their homes. This will apply to biological children as well as formerly adopted ones. This is a horror. Not only for our community but even for straight families. Already divorced parents are threatening one another with blackmail to tell authorities that their ex is now gay just to control parental rights. Putin wants this attack against human rights to be his legacy. He believes he can get the backing of the Vatican as well as all other conservative religious leaders to join his cause. What can we do? Make his actions and his plans public. Shine the light of public opinion on this evil doer.
Boycott the Winter Olympics in Russia. Believe me, Putin will use the Olympics as proof that the world backs up his action. There are only two ways to deal with a tyrant: Starve out the rat, or destroy him. So, my friends, do your research and then GET LOUD AGAINST PUTIN AND HIS ANTI-GAY POGROM. This is a very small world. Our brothers and sisters in Russia need us NOW! Read Harvey’s full New York Times Op-ed here.

Dump Russian Vodka

BoyCott the Olympics and Russian Products!

What is going on in Russia is disgusting and should not be tolerated by gay people anywhere.  The laws being imposed by Putin are encouraging radical members of the populace to hurt members of the LGBT community.  We can stand against these atrocities with not only our voices, but also our dollars.  Please, join the boycott against Russian products.  Many gay bars in the largest cities around the country are removing Russian vodka from their shelves as a show of solidarity with our counterparts fighting for their rights and their lives in Russia. As bad as it can get here in the US, the situation in Russia has taken a significant dark and dire turn.

Our Brothers and Sisters in Russia Proclaim they will not be silenced!

From Cleve Jones:
Here are the top ten corporate sponsors of the 2014 Winter Olympics. Let them know you’re concerned about human rights in Russia and the attacks on LGBT people and women.


More soon!

~ Ken Riter

Nebraskans For Equality To Host “Full Equality Before The Law” Rally.

OMAHA, NE – Nebraskans For Equality is proud to announce it will be hosting its first event, the “Full Equality Before The Law” Rally, on Friday, August 2nd, 2013, from 4pm to 6pm CST. Come join “Nebraskans for Equality” for its first equality rally. Momentum is building tremendously nationwide for full LGBTQIA rights, we should be looking to what we can do for ourselves right here in Nebraska. So what, if people think it doesn’t have much of a chance. Our rights have ZERO chances if we doing NOTHING about them. Join the rally, meet other activists, and learn about what is already going on (LB380 and LB385 in the Unicameral, LGBT inclusive bills) (Brad Ashford‘s Judiciary committee in October, on Marriage equality)

If you would like to go, don’t forget to RSVP at the FaceBook Event Page.  Nebraskans For Equality is committed to Full Equality for all LGBTQIA persons, not just at the Nebraska state level, but local and nationally, too!  The bills currently in the Unicameral have a decent chance of passing, but only if people get involved, especially when it includes contacting your state senators directly and providing them useful facts, information and situations they may not already know. While we depend on votes in the Unicameral to go our way, remember, we as voters, have the power to sway how our representatives vote, but that can only happen if we honestly try!

Rainbow Eagle

Let LGBTQIA Activism Soar in Nebraska!

~Ken Riter

The Pledge For Full LGBT Equality.

OMAHA, NE – For Decades the LGBT Community has fought for equality, but has only reached it one single piece of legislation at a time. The following is an answer to that.  Nebraskans for Equality will pushing for full equality at all levels of elected office, and we will help teach you how contact your elected officials to get the best out of our Democracy.   The Pledge for Full LGBT Equality fits with our motto: Full EQUALITY BEFORE THE LAW for LGBTQIA Nebraskans.

From Act on Principles:

IN ORDER TO FULFILL the promises of life and liberty, and to ensure equal protection of the law as guaranteed by the United States Constitution;

TO PROTECT the inalienable human right to be safe from discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity as required by international law and treaty; and

TO END the systemic stigmatization, cease the societal rejection and heal the suffering of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Americans as mandated by conscience;

WE, the undersigned, pledge our support for the passage of omnibus LGBT equality legislation that grants full non-discrimination protections on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity equal to those accorded other statuses under existing civil rights laws and Supreme Court jurisprudence, specifically including:

  1. Public Accommodations (Title II, 1964 Civil Rights Act)(e.g., restaurants, hotels, theaters)
  2. Public Facilities (Title III, 1964 Civil Rights Act) (e.g., courthouses, jails, hospitals, parks)
  3. Federally-Funded Programs (Title VI, 1964 Civil Rights Act) (e.g., adoption, police, schools, homeless youth, health care)
  4. Employment (Title VII, 1964 Civil Rights Act; 1978 Civil Service Reform Act; 1991 Government Employee Rights Act; 1995 Congressional Accountability Act; 10 U.S.C. Ch. 37) (e.g., civilian and military government, private sector)
  5. Housing (Title VIII, 1968 Civil Rights Act, aka the Fair Housing Act) (e.g., rental, purchase, finance)
  6. Education (Title IX, 1972 Education Amendments Act) (e.g., schools, bullying)
  7. Credit (1974 Equal Credit Opportunity Act) (e.g., credit cards)
  8. Federal Marriage Equality (based on gender, SO) (e.g., 1967 Supreme Court Decision, Loving v. Virginia)
  9. Immigration, Disability, and Family Leave (Uniting American Families Act (proposed), the American With Disabilities Act, and the Family and Medical Leave Act)

We call upon the Congressional LGBT Equality Caucus to lead the way by filing an omnibus LGBT equality bill immediately that includes all of the provisions enumerated above.

We further call upon Congress, and all candidates for elected office, to sign this pledge to pass such omnibus LGBT equality legislation immediately, but no later than 2014 — the 50th anniversary of the 1964 Civil Rights Act — fulfilling both their individual duty and that of the United States government to ensure justice, equality, and fundamental human rights protections for all Americans.

From Act on Principles:

Welcome to Nebraskans For Equality!

OMAHA, NE – Welcome to the new Blog and Website for Nebraskans For Equality.  With the SCOTUS decisions on DOMA and Prop 8 allowing the Federal Government to recognize Same Sex marriage in states where it is already allowed, it is time we act to make sure Nebraska Same Sex couples will be included, too.  We must fight, not just for Marriage Equality in Nebraska, but for Full Equality, for the full range of equal rights that all Nebraskans deserve under the law.  Equality Before the Law is Nebraska’s state motto. Let us make it a reality!!   Please like our FaceBook Page Nebraskans For Equality.  I will try to maintain weekly updates on the blog.  I’m also testing options for the blog’s look. So please leave comments if you can.  Thanks in advance.  More information soon……